Water-cooled chiller for industry use

We are involved in projects that supply water- cooled chiller for industrial use

Water-cooled chiller

Water-cooled chillers are machines that have air- or water-cooled condenser. The water-cooled chiller is highly efficient and suitable for demanding applications such as industry and larger air-conditioning processes. Due to high efficiency of industrial chillers, they are used for controlled cooling of products, mechanisms and factory machinery in a wide range of industries

In industrial application, chilled water or other liquid from the chiller is pumped through process or laboratory equipment to cool it. Water – cooled chiller is used to cool and dehumidify air inside large commercial, industrial and institutional buildings.

In industrial application, chilled water or other liquid from the chiller is pumped through process or laboratory equipment to cool it. Water – cooled chiller is used to cool and dehumidify air inside large commercial, industrial and institutional buildings.

For industrial applications, chiller can be centralized, where a single chiller serves multiple cooling needs, or decentralized where each application or machine has its own chiller.

Industrial chillers typically come as complete, packaged, closed-loop systems, including the chiller unit, condenser, and pump station with recirculating pump, expansion valve, no-flow shutdown, internal cold water control.

All chillers are equipped with temperature sensors and are controlled by a single control system that does not require the constant presence of the operator.

Coldex Oy and water-cooled chiller

As a reference, Coldex Oy has been involved in a project to produce an ATEX certified water-cooled chiller for demanding industrial needs in northern Russia. The project was implemented in cooperation with Tehnomir Ltd, a company based in St. Petersburg. During project was designed, delivered and implemented for outdoor use explosion-proof water-cooled chiller.



Vedenjäähdytin täytti ATEX-sertifikaatin mukaiset vaatimukset, joilla varmistaan laitteen korkea turvallisuustaso. ATEX tai vanhemmalta nimeltään Ex-määräys tarkoittaa räjähdysvaarallisissa tiloissa käytettäviä laitteita koskevaa lainsäädäntöä ja standartointia. ATEX-sertifikaatin mukaisia laiteita käytetään erittäin vaarallisilla teollisuudenaloilla, kuten öljynjalostamoilla, palavien ja räjähtävien aineiden, kemiallisten yritysten tuotantoon ja jalostukseen tarkoitetuilla tehtailla ja merivoimien laivanrakennuksessa, jossa konejärjestelmien toiminnan turvallisuus on äärimmäisen tärkeää.


Toimitetun laitteen teknisiä tietoja:

Kylmäaine on Freon 134a

Lämpöalusta: vesi-glykoliliuos

Jäähdytysteho 500 kW

teollisuuskylmä teollisuuskylmä teollisuuskylmä

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Puhelimitse: 03 7873714
